




10 L/min pre-oxygenation 2 minutes + antibiotic administration

MS Maid Survey M-Machine Confirm O2 and NO2 flows, anesthetic/vaporizer settings, and circuit integrity. hand or machine ventilation.

SSuction M-Monitor HR, O2 sat, ETCO2, BP, TV, MV, PMAX, PAP.


Inspect connection of circuit to Endotracheal tube, auscultate lungs, check for functioning laryngoscope.

I-IV Assure adequate flow.

D-Drugs Check that all labeled syringes given


In Rapid Sequence:

Rocuronium 5 mg Glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg Fentanyl 100 μg Propofol 150 mg Succinylcholine 100 mg BMV until successful ETCO2 waveform


Endotracheal intubation attach circuit and bag to confirm ETCO2 waveform


10 L/min O2, sevoflurane 4% or desflurane 6%


Secure tube, tape eyes, insert oral airway as bite block and to assure presence during emergence.


Short Cases (<45 minutes): Bag by hand ventilation until return of spontaneous ventilation.

Long Cases (>45 minutes): Rocuronium 30 mg and put on ventilator (if available) at TV 700 mL, respiratory rate of 8 breaths/min, PMAX 40 cm of H2O as initial settings.

Inspect monitors, circuit and patient

5:00 During preparation for incision

Reduce flows to O2 2 L/min and N2O 2 L/min


Reduce flows to O2 0.6 L/min, N2O 0.6 L/min

Inspect monitors, circuit and patient





During case

Continue O2 and N2O flows. Maintain blood pressure with fluid boluses or 5 mg boluses of ephedrine as needed. After adequate fluid bolus and 3 doses of ephedrine consider phenylephrine infusion.

Inspect monitors, circuit and patient

Depth of anesthesia

Light: consider “rescue” fentanyl 50 μg or propofol 50 mg or increase concentration of volatile anesthetic Deep: for hypotension unresponsive to fluid and catecholamine boluses, consider reducing concentration of volatile anesthetic

Inspect monitors, circuit and patient

Anticipate Emergence

Watch for bag movement or “clefting” of the ETCO2 wave as sign of spontaneous respirations




Step 1 (At skin closure)

Discontinue N2O and anesthetic, increase O2 flow to 10 L.

Step 2

Hand ventilation to maintain physiologic TV and ETCO2

Step 3

Monitor for signs of awakening: respiratory and abdominal excursions, facial grimacing, grasping for ET tube, spitting out oral airway, eye opening.

If satisfactorily emerged and able to protect airway: deflate ET cuff and extubate.

If not ready for extubation because of weak respiratory effort due to prolonged neuromuscular blockage: 3 mg (3 mL) Neostigmine and 0.4 mg (2 mL) glycopyrrolate for reversal then extubate when able to protect airway and breathe spontaneously.